
Study Program


Study IT at SGU: Your Way to be the Next Data Scientist & Technopreneur

The development and advancement of technology today is so fast. For example, this can be found in the implementation of everyday life that is extensively equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities, for example when viewing Spotify playlist recommendation or the chatbot feature as a substitute for customer service on the website. Another sign of technology

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program IT

Master of Mechanical Engineering: Forming Expert Who Are Compatible with Smart Manufacturing Concept

Are you ready to become an expert in smart manufacturing? In the industrial era 4.0, many companies have implemented automation to pursue smart manufacturing. However, it is not just about applying the internet or technology. Smart manufacturing changes the overall process that includes driving components such as human resources, business, and corporate mindset. This condition

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program

Master of Information Technology: Become a Leading IT Expert in The Industry 4.0 Era

Industry 4.0 is here to stay! Organizations around the world have been transforming their business to implement change.  One distinct key transformation component is to make use of huge data generated by the Internet of Things sensors and smart control systems. It allows the company to improve productivity and efficiency of running their organizations. Studying

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program IT

Practical Uses of Studying Sustainable Energy & Environment in Everyday Life

Our current world concern is how life can continue on a sustainable basis. This mainly refers to the fact that fossil fuels are predicted to run out in 2060 and the world temperatures continue to rise. Not to mention, this is also compounded by the fact that for the past centuries many industries are not

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program SEE

CHARLES LIM, Cyber Security Expert Whose Passion is to Build Secure Digital System Defending Against Cyber Crime

In the digital era, data has become a very important asset. Many digital crimes are committed by stealing and misusing data, such as bank account burglary, or health manipulation cases that can threaten someone’s life. Cybersecurity is needed so that the protection of the government, corporate, and personal data can be maintained. Therefore, qualified IT

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . IT . Misc . Study Program . Study Program IT

6 Highest Career Prospects as Industrial Engineers

Industrial engineering is known as one of the applicable disciplines, because students studying this are certainly equipped with very versatile skills. Before talking further, let us first discuss the definition of Industrial Engineering. Basically, industrial engineering is diverse (various) disciplines concerned to improve and optimize integrated systems that consist of human, equipment, material, information, energy,

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program IE

5 Things You Should Know about Mechatronics Engineering

Today’s challenge is answering industrial automation needs, and mechatronics is the answer! The emergence of Industry 4.0 forces us to become people who continue to advance, are technology literate, and are always able to answer the needs of industrial automation. So, mechatronics is the answer! To discuss further, here are 5 things you should know

By SGU Public Relation | Blog . Study Program . Study Program MME . Study Program MT


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